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Turnover Audit

Objective of “Turnover Audit” service of the Orber Denetim is to supervise the accuracy of the financial turnovers issued at the specified periods in accordance with the lease contracts and this to prevent the short and faulty payments of the tenants executed a turnover based lease contracts with the shopping center management or its landlords and of restaurant chains which are residing overseas and granting franchising.

The basis of aforementioned service is to audit the documents with respect to the turnover, document arrangement systems, financial statements submitted to the administration of the finance office, IT systems and book entries and documents of the tenant and accordingly to check amounts of the turnovers if they are accurate and in compliance with the lease contracts.  Furthermore, this service includes the audit of sampling purchase and rendered by the auditors acting as a customer for the purpose of supervising the compatibility of the tenants with the document formation in the audit studies.